Women Drivers...
Ok, I know that most people would give me a lot of flak about this *cough women* but I do believe that it is a rare quality in the farer sex to be able to drive with any sort of deft touch. Take today for example, one of the three days of the year where you are actually able to drive 65 down the freeway to work, the whole way. So, inevitably you get some crazy woman driver who has to go 80 swerving around everyone and tail-gating, only to get off at the next exit *nuts*. Then there is the lady who is enjoying the empty freeway by going 50 in the fast lane. Maybe this I can excuse because everyone is used to going 5-15mph, but please ladies if you see there are 15 cars piled up behind you and no one in front and you are going less than the speed limit, that means that you should probably move over into the right lane...
Still I got to work about 40 minutes early. Does that mean I get to leave early too? :)
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