Monday, August 07, 2006

Beach Bums...

I took my kids to the beach this weekend. It was really sunny and warm, until you got within 1/2-1 mile of the coast. Then it turned into a fog bank and pretty windy. It was still fun and very sandy. For some unknown reason kids seem to like to roll in sand. After a bath and a shower my daughter still had sand in her hair.

They had a lot of fun though. Went to Ocean Shores and Westport. It was a bit nice, if not windier at Westport, but the fog had burned off a good bit by the time we got there. Ended up going to McDonalds about 3 times, ugh. Not much choice though, when they gotta go they gotta go.

Kept the sand out of the new car as much as possible. Did a fairly good job of that, although keeping it out entirely is a futile endevour. The bathtub is another matter. It's drying out as we speak so I can vacuum it out later. Driving in sand is interesting. Front wheel drive really doesn't have the handling I am used to.

Someday I need to go somewhere with warm water. Being able to jump in a glacier river is all well and good, but I am a guppy and like the water, preferrably for more than 5 minutes at a time.


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